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المشرفين على البرنامج (APPE)

Welcome to the preceptor information page. The PharmD Experiential Education program works with preceptors from different practice sites to offer students experiential learning rotations throughout their second year (APPE rotations).


  • Possess an advanced clinical pharmacy degree (or equivalent); pharmacists holding other degrees will be considered based upon practice site and experience.
  • Be a licensed pharmacist with at least two years of experience and must work at the practice site for at least 6 months.
  • Have a recognized area of clinical pharmacy practice.
  • Have a desire to participate as a preceptor and to assume an adjunct status with the Faculty of Pharmacy.
  • Be willing to participate in the preceptor training process and meetings at the Faculty of Pharmacy.
  • Be willing to be responsible as a mentor for the student and adhere to rotation objectives and learning requirements.
  • Be willing to provide the instruction, supervision, and evaluation needed for students to complete assignments and demonstrate competency in the objectives corresponding to the designated rotation(s).
  • Demonstrate good communication skills.
  • Available for most (if not all) of the rotation dates.
  • Be willing to undergo assessment by the faculty/student for the purpose of continuous quality improvement.

In selecting Preceptors, preference will be given to pharmacists who:

  • Have developed an innovative practice site.
  • Have one or more of the following available:
    1. Frequent patient contact
    2. Opportunities to interview patients
    3. Evaluation and monitoring of patient drug therapies
    4. Interaction with other health professionals
    5. Access to complete medical records
    6. Private counseling area
    7. Access to internet for literature and health-related information searches
    8. Disease-state counseling